1) Select the time and place of my novel.
2a) Begin to research the time and place – broadly at first, reading biographies, searching online, taking out armfuls of library books, watching documentaries, reading memoirs, and then drilling down to newspapers, restaurant menus, train timetables, etc. I take notes by hand, keeping good track of where each note is from.
2b) Travel! I ALWAYS go to see the place of my setting. For A More Perfect Union, I went to Barbados.
2c) Next, I compile my infamous daily calendar (time) and map (place)
Step 3) I create a mega-list of every fact I deem important, organizing them into categories.
Step 4: Once I’ve written my chapter outline, I cut and paste all the facts I think I’m going to want in each chapter so they’re “at my fingertips” while I write the first draft.
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